Thursday, April 29: Beer Floats
The Kuru
has advanced to a whole new level... Yesterday I had a little
bit of the sweet tooth and decided to throw in some "dulce
de leche" Breyer's Ice Cream into a San Miguel Dark Lager...
ahhh the taste of nuts, soy, and sweet caramel... Call me
crazy, but it was actually pretty good. It didn't go together
as well when I tried it with the Guinness Extra Bitter Stout
even though the Guinness Extra Bitter Stout Ice Cream (an
Emeril recipe) is actually pretty damn awesome.
I recommend pouring a warm dark beer into a glass and mixing
it a little bit to get some carbonation out. Next add a little
ice cream and mix to remove more carbonation. If you don't,
the foam from the ice cream mixed with the beer with make
a HUGE head...
...and yes, its better than a root beer float ...especially
if you have Kuru.
Kuru is a spongiform encephalopathy similar to Mad Cow disease.
Kuru was spread by the endocannibalistic funeral practices
of the Fore. Family members were ritualistically cooked and
eaten following their death, with the closest female relatives
and children usually consuming the brain, which was the most
infectious organ. (from eMedicine)
Thursday, April 29: Overwhelmed
Ugh ...I've got way too much going on. Its crunch time with
only 60 some odd days left in residency and I still have yet
to come up with a research project. My first project was shot
down by the ultra-conservative IRB (Institutional Review Board)
which I unfortunately wasted about 80 hours of work. I'm actually
still pissed off about it since my original project would
have been approved at every other institution on the planet.
Also, I still have yet to figure out where I will be living
next a house? Accept full time at one of my moonlighting
hospitals? Still need to figure out if I need disability insurance.
Prep for the oral boards in Chicago for November. Establish
myself as a corporation.
Recently however, I think that I will do a Locum Tenum in
Hawaii and live there for a few months... many decisions
so little time. I think that I will slow down a little on
the moonlighting a bit more...try to figure some of these
things out...
Monday, April 25: Ha!!! ...still got it...
So I was fooling around on a game of chess today...did the
Pawns attack... an overly ambitious attack that usually
catches amateurs by surprise...but is otherwise a pretty crappy
opening (in my opinion)... Anyways I screwed up and went down
a rook but then came back with a queen pin, a minor sacrifice,
a discovered check, and then a forced mate with his King trapped
in the corner! I laugh...
Damn I'm nerdy... :) Oh well, at least I don't have Fragile
X Syndrome like Alywn...
Here are the moves (I'm white):
1. d2-d4 g7-g6
2. e2-e4 f8-g7
3. f2-f4 d7-d6
4. g1-f3 b7-b6
5. c2-c4 c8-b7
6. b1-c3 g8-f6
7. c1-e3 o-o
8. f1-d3 c7-c5
9. d4-d5 b8-a6
10. a2-a3 a6-c7
11. b2-b4 f6-g4
12. d1-d2 g4xe3
13. d2xe3 g7xc3+
14. e1-f2 c3xa1
15. h1xa1 e7-e6
16. h2-h4 e6xd5
17. c4xd5 d8-f6
18. a1-h1 h7-h5
19. d3-c4 f6-b2+
20. f2-g3 a8-e8
21. e3-d3 a7-a6
22. b4xc5 b6xc5
23. h1-b1 b2-f6
24. b1xb7 f6-d8
25. e4-e5 d8-d7
26. e5-e6 f7xe6
27. d3xg6+ g8-h8
28. g6xh5+ h8-g8
29. h5-g6+ g8-h8
30. g6-h6+ h8-g8
31. d5xe6 d7-e7
32. b7xc7 e7xc7
33. e6-e7+ f8-f7
34. h6-g6+ g8-h8
35. g6-h6+ f7-h7
36. h6-f8+ e8xf8
37. e7xf8++
Saturday, April 23: The Da Vinci Code
After seven years of only reading medical textbooks and literature,
I finally put them down and picked up a book for entertainment.
And what better a book to pick up than the Da Vinci Code!
Yeah, so I'm on page 40...which took me about an hour and
a half! Oh my God... I must be the slowest reader ever. Granted
I've been only reading information-intensive medical related
stuff and I've probably conditioned myself to read slowly
and try to understand everything prior to moving on. Otherwise
there is no point if you have to read everything more than
once... If I only believed that myself. Some of the medical
stuff has taken up to 4 reads to fully understand and compare
to other disease processes to make accurate diagnoses.
I knew I was in trouble when after reading the first page,
I stopped and asked myself... "okay, what is going on."
Ahhh, how lame can I get... Not only that. I think I have
the inability to sit still for very long. Some people might
think that that is a symptom of ADHD, but I don't have any
problem concentrating for long periods of times ...which,
I must admit, sometime is too strong and I neglect other things
that are going on. For some odd reason, after finishing a
chapter I'm up at the refrig grabbing another Old Rasputin
Russian Imperial Stout... I feel like Barney from the Simpsons.
Anyways, I'm doing my last night shift tonight in a stretch
of night shifts...28 days with some moonlighting interspersed,
albeit a little on the decreased side. I am so sick of nights...
I need more sleep now that I am hitting the gym a little harder.
Anybody want to prescribe me some roids???
Thursday, April 21: Words of Encouragement
...a response to my April 15th entry:
Yes there are interesting women in LA. However,
after the age of 30, women are like parking places at the
mall during christmas season, all the good ones are taken
and the rest are handicap.
Thanks for the help...
Saturday, April 16: Doppelbock
I salivate... just had the Celebrator Doppelbock. Very odd...
I used to not like beer that much. In college I drank mostly
Jack Daniel's and Blackberry Brandy. In med school, I was
pretty poor, and when we went to the pool hall I'd order double a fricking $8 bucks a pop. Needless to say,
I was forced to start drinking beer ...albeit the yellow brand...the
kind I don't like. Too bitter for me, its a good thing that
I found the dark ales and then the more complex beer like
the doppelbocks...
Next conquest: Find some beers from the Kuhnhenn Brewing
Company... I want to try the Kuhnhenn
Raspberry Eisbock...ahh that sounds so good. Also that
Dementia sounds good as well... "falling deep into
Saturday, April 16: Zone 3
So this guy drives up in the ER with a gun shot wound to
zone 3 in the neck ...almost a theoretical wound being that
the zone is so small. (above the angle of the jaw yet lower
than the temporal bone and anterior to the sternocleidomastoid
muscle) So he is completely with it and his only complaint
is that he can't breath well. ...Amazing since this is where
the external and internal carotid arteries and veins live,
not to mention some important nerves.
He refuses to lie down on his back (he's on his stomach)
so we can even take a look at the wound and assess his airway.
We try to move his tattooed body into onto his back but he
fights us since he has difficulty breathing. As we are struggling
to place him on his back, he tells us to "fuck off"
and then he flashes his gang signs!!! Oh,
how funny things can be in the ER. We really needed to know
which gang you belong to...
Turns out that this is not an uncommon event. A coworker
of mine, Dr. Geirahn, was treating patients in the pediatric
department when he got flashed gang signs from a two
year old kid! The mom then yells out "I told
you not to do that! Oh! I'm going to kill him!" ...referring
to the father who had been teaching the gang signs to the
kid. Ha! I laugh...
Anyways, the extent of Gang Banger #1's injuries: only airway
and hypopharynx ...the bullet ended up lodging in the the
submandibular space of the mouth. No spinal cord, no vascular,
and no nerve injury...he will live to gang bang another day
and possibly rob you at gunpoint. :)
Friday, April 15: Are there any women left in LA with some ovaries?
I think the next time I go out on a date with a woman and
find out that she is either vegetarian, is lactose intolerant,
doesn't drink beer and orders another fricking green tea,
I'm going to scream. The last potential candidate that I went
out on a date with said that she didn't eat spicy food, drink
alcohol, or eat raw fish... Next, I find out she has virtually
no hobbies, interests or sports with the exception of
dull can you get??? Good looks only can get you so far ...are
there any interesting women left in LA?
Friday, April 15: Semi-Interesting Case of the Day
A middle aged male with a history of alcohol binges presented
in Atrial Flutter...rate 145 and stable vital signs and symptoms.
The patient's QRS was narrow so I gave him some adenosine
and make the diagnosis...even though it was readily apparent
on the rhythm strip (adenosine is one of those really interesting
drugs since all it does is stop the heart for about 5 to 10
seconds). I next give him diltiazem 20 mg IV push. heart rate
slows to the 110s, but jumps up to 145 in about 10 minutes.
I repeat the dilt dose at 25 IV push and give him some dilt
60 mg PO. Also I figure out that he is going to be a tough
one to control so I start a digoxin load. Heart rate drops
to about 100 but is again right back up there at 145 in a
few minutes. I start a dilt drip at 10 mg/hr and throw in
another dose of the digoxin. I hand him off to the internal
medicine doctor... "Atrial Flutter--difficult to control."
Internal medicine calls the cardiologist down to see the
patient. The cardiologist proceeds to start a THIRD AV nodal
blocking drug ...metoprolol. Heart rate comes down to 90s
but then is up into the 130 in a few minutes. Next he gives
ibutilide and another dose of metoprolol waits for 10 minutes
without a chemical conversion. Hah! the last time I saw ibutilide
used was in med school... :) Anyways, nothing works on this
guy, so we give him some versed and morphine and zap his chest
at, believe it or not, 120 joules biphasic. ...back in sinus
at a heart rate now at 40... :) Ran the full gambit on this
Wednesday, April 13: Lambic
I went running yesterday, but instead of heading north along
the beach like I normally do, I headed south. After years
of being a slave to the grindstone, I finally feel like I
have little more control. And running south seemed to me like
I could change some things in my life ...however lame that
may sound. Living with purpose is tough, and constantly challenging
yourself to do things differently or to look at life's issues
and really analyze why you do things the way you do is difficult.
I'm not the most introspective person...
I woke up this morning to make an omelet breakfast, had some
orange juice, and an avocado as a side with kosher salt sprinkled
on top. My muscles were sore...too much stress and too little
exercise and sleep in the last few weeks. It was a nice change
of pace.
Anyways, I am totally enthralled with the Lambic
style naturally wild top-fermented beers. Turns out the
brewers make their brew and leave the stuff out in the open
...yeast in the air eventually ferment the wort prior to placing
it in a cask with a fruit where a secondary fermentation process
occurs over a few years. This stuff is just awesome ...I would
drink it every day for the rest of my life if I could afford
it. I got the peche, kriek, and the framboise styles yesterday...
Eventually, I think I will start buying this by the case.
Varieties that I got... (this stuff is expensive)
Lindeman's Framboise Lambic |
750 ml |
$10 |
Lindeman's Peche Lambic |
750 ml |
$10 |
Framboise Boon |
355 ml |
$9 |
Kriek Boon |
355 ml |
$8 |
Melbourne Bros. Apricot |
355 ml |
$5 |
...Interesting article of the week: Wages
Lagging Behind Prices
Tuesday, April 12: Random
Best Program Ever!
Windows XP is full of problems and the more you use it the
worse it gets. Have no fear ...Registry
Mechanic is here. Ran this program and it fixed about
150 registry errors ...errors that Norton Systemswork didn't
even find. Now three programs that I was having problems with
work perfectly.
Peak Oil Question:
The problem with oil is two fold. Obviously it is a resource
that is in limited supply and the world will eventually run
out of it. Sure we may have it for another hundred years,
and therefore some argue that it won't really affect us or
the next generation. The problem that we are facing right
now happens to be a supply-demand problem. Peak-oil actually
refers to the maximal rate at which the crude can be pumped
out of the ground. In the past few years, OPEC has been able
to increase the rate of production to match demand and keep
prices low. When demand starts to exceed supply the price
will rapidly increase since oil happens to be demand-inelastic.
Because of the inelasticity of demand for gasoline, it is
likely that the price for a gallon of gas will go up to 4
dollars a gallon and even higher in the coming years. The
impact that this will have is very significant since every
product and service has the cost of energy somewhere in its
production and distribution. Essentially its a cost-push inflationary
pressure which will make the trade deficit greater and the
greenback weaker.
Framboise Lambic:
Wow! this is one of the most flavorful beers that I have ever fact this has rapidly become one of my favor drinks
after only one try. This happens to a raspberry malt beer
from Belgium ...I'm heading over to Mauries today to get some
Monday, April 11: Shift...
Somehow, I totally screwed up this weekend. I accidentally
put a moonlighting shift in between two of my normal shifts
(in a three shift night stretch). Basically I did almost 50
hours of work with about 10 hours of sleep in between ( a
scheduling snafu on my part). Not that big of a deal ...prior
to the regulation of med school and residency work hours,
I had three months where I put in about 110 hours a week for
a month. ...So I'm used to squeezing the adrenals, but a few
months went too far and probably made me a little less interested
in pursuing medical carpentry (i.e. ortho...I love the surgeries
but couldn't stand wearing all the garb). Now the weird thing
is that I just came off of work and I'm only slightly tired...
I don't know what it is, but whenever I see the sun out I
find it almost impossible to sleep...
On a different note, I will have to admit that there definitely
is a component of stress to the job, and I feel like I've
probably stressed myself too much lately because I often don't
know when to say "stop." On one hand, its good because
I learn about my limitations, but on the other hand I know
its not the healthiest thing to do.
Today is actually the day where we shift responsibilities.
The first year resident moves to the critical area in the
emergency room, the second year runs the whole show, and the
third years just make sure nothing really bad happens. Yeah,
if only it was that simple... Being the supervising resident
is brutal, ...managing up to 20 patients at a time, supervising
two interns and a few second years, making sure everything
gets done, getting interrupted incessantly and asked questions
all the time is just nuts. Its an odd sensation to have three
people asking you questions at the same time. I will enjoy
the peace and serenity... ...serenity now! :)
Friday, April 8: Taxes Done
Woohoo ...taxes done and my HSA is set up (I owe more money--awesome).
This will be the last year that I will be able to contribute
to a Roth. :( Also been very lazy with the financial stuff...need
to set up my independent contractor status because I need
some write-offs!!!
Thursday, April 7: Peak Oil

...Speaking of gas, I was actually entertained a few weeks
ago when the concept of peak-oil happened to find its way
onto Alias.
Needless to say, this is a very scary subject and it appears
that we are heading to some extent in that direction. I have
a difficult time trying to remain optimistic for the future
when it appears that the cost of oil will likely double in
the next two years (according to a few analysts). And with
medicare, medicaid, social security going bankrupt in due
time, I can't imagine a future that is better to live in than
the one we have now.
My only wish would be that society and governments face these
facts and start doing something about it. Unfortunately, I
think most people and politicians only live in the now and
don't really plan for the future.
If you don't know what I am talking about, do a google search
on "peak-oil"... Its a chilling read.
Side note: ...okay... so I drive a car that get about 25
miles a gallon, but even if I never used another drop of gas
from here on out, it wouldn't change anything at all. The
answers to these problems are global...
MSN articles: Can
the U.S. stop using oil by 2050? Why
gas prices will keep on rising
Thursday, April 7: Woohoo! The beemer is back in
...yeah, maybe I should write about something other than
my car, but lately things seem like they haven't been going
that well....
Anyways, BMW replaced my whole clutch...the pressure plate,
the throw-out bearing, and of course the clutch. They didn't
say if the clutch was just glazed from to heavy of usage or
there was some defect in it... All I know is that I should
be able to abuse an organic disk pretty damn heavily without
it developing problems. I guess the next time that I'm in
the mountains, I probably shouldn't be at 3500 to 6000 rpms
for the entire drive down the hill... :) Either way, I'm happy
that there is no annoying squeaking noise and I no longer
have to drive around in a crappy base-model automatic 325i
loaner car...the thing felt like I was driving a Honda...
Side Note: Prior to dropping it off, I launched the car a
few times... Feathered the clutch in at about 2500 rpms and
that thing shot off the line... :) I think I would run into
trouble with a more powerful car... That or the cost of gas
would just get too much...
Sunday, April 3: Reasonable Doubt Argument???
One of my favorite political analyses pertains to that of
nature versus nurture. Back in the early nineties, conservatives
argued that there were biological reasons that women should
not be in the military, claiming that they didn't have the
right temperament (read this as the inclination to go out
and kill people) ...basically arguing that it was not in a
woman's nature to kill (which I happen to agree). But when
it came to homosexuality, conservatives would argue that this
was a choice based of the environment in which a person was
raised (which I disagree). Liberals, of course, said the opposite.
Women didn't go into the military like their male counterparts
because society "conditioned" them into being passive
since they were given dolls to play with instead of fake guns
(the premise for which I obviously disagree). Likewise, homosexuals
were born homosexual (which I agree) and didn't become homosexual
because Johnny was given a doll to play with. So for different
issues, the nature vs. nurture argument was bent for whatever
political stance the pundits on the left or the right decided
to take.
Well, its seems to be happening again... Of course now its
with the Schiavo case. Some conservative argued the case for
life based on "reasonable doubt." Huh?!?!? Out of
all the legal crap they decide to chose, they pick the one
the one term that they have been lambasting forever. I, of
course, agree that the standard of "reasonable doubt"
has been incorrectly interpreted and I'd argue that probably
70% of the population doesn't even have the CAPACITY (yes,
you read that correctly ...capacity and not capabiltiy...okay,
maybe I don't have too much faith in people) to even understand
what it means...(go read my blog from the archives section).
Sure it is nice to attack on principle, but don't attack on
a principle to which you yourself would argue is a flawed
one. It makes an interesting point...but the absolutist view
of the world is pretty damn narrow.
Of course, its easy to understand the logic... There is obviously
a spectrum of capacity, ranging from normal intelligence to
mental retardation to dementia to persistent vegetative states
to fricking comas. But if the "reasonable doubt"
argument applies to this in the way that conservatives (in
this instance or defense lawyers in all instances) have implied
it, then nobody should ever die. My patient the other day
with two bullets though the brain that crossed the midline
(each of which individually carries a mortality rate of 99.99%)
conceivably has a "reasonable doubt" that he is
not dead... i.e. like a 1 out of a hundred million chance.
So should I really spend millions of dollars to keep his heart
and lungs working while he descends into DIC and insipidus?
I don't think so...
How about the other end of the argument? ...maybe it is more
reasonable the Schiavo only felt pain? This actually sounds
more plausible to me than her having a personality... Anyways,
somebody please remove "reasonable doubt" from our
vocabulary....only the simple minded spew such nonsense...
Saturday, April 2: Diagnosis of the Week
Torsion: a twisting of the vascular pedicle that interrupts
blood flow to the ovary. Eventually leads to necrosis of the
ovary and possible infertility.
The patient was actually seen the day before and was sent
home. ...return visits are always a warning sign. Anyways,
this patient had the perfect story. Intermittent abdominal
pain lasting 30 minutes with nausea interspersed with pain
free intervals. No Ultrasound needed here. Told the ob/gyn
doc and he said it was a good story....he took her to the
operating room and called me back..."completely torsed."
Side note: Favorite Diagnosis about 2 months
ago: Serum
Saturday, April 2: Things I learned last night
Two bullets can go through the SAME hole in the head and
take completely different paths. I was pretty impressed that
DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) occurred so rapidly.
Don't smoke crystal and the rock at the same time. ...incessantly
yelling "Nacho" only lands you in hard restraints.
Squirrels. Damned Squirrels... Overrun by them again!!! Seems
like the heat brings them out of the woodwork almost
wish it was winter.
Tuesday, March 29: Frayed Ends of Sanity
Somehow I have developed a knack for trying to do to much...
I was so fatigued yesterday, too much running, gym, work,
and not enough sleep. Fortunately, I've got the day off today
and I'm just going to sit on my balcony in the sun and relax...
Maybe I'll go buy a book ...haven't read a fiction book in
ages... My body needs a vacation from my brain. :)
Struggle within
Triggered again
Now the candle burns at both ends
Friday, March 25: Trach and PEG
I worked my final Neurosurgical ICU last night. I felt like
I had to get one last moonlighting shift in before the service
was taken over by the anesthesia department. That being the
case, I'm glad that I will never have to be on call again,
but I also feel conflicted because it was a great experience
that really solidified my understanding and management of
neurosurgical patients, better enabling me to manage neuro
patients who present to the emergency room in their whacked
out conditions.
Unfortunately, the gentleman in the second room still happened
to be there from when I last saw him a few months ago. A young
man with a wife and children got in a pretty bad car accident
and sustained a severe brain injury with what appears to be
secondary anoxia from apnea as well. I felt horrible when
I explained to the family when he initially came in that this
was most likely not a reversible event. The only thing that
still works on him is that damn brain stem. And his only medical
issue has been trying to get him out of the
facilities to send him to since LA is overwhelmed with expensive
long-term vent dependent patients. I'm sure we have spent
about a million dollars on him to keep his heart, lungs and
kidneys working...
The guy in the second room reminds me of the Schiavo case
...a horrible case in itself. there are many similarities.
The family says he tracks with his eyes, and responds to noises,
etc... Anyways, being that I am a "blogger", and the "blogs"
have been going wild with commentary on this case, I feel
like I should throw in my two cents as well.
In my opinion, the ability to think, understand and interact
is what makes a human a human being. Without the frontal lobe,
there is no personality, there is no interaction, there is
no person. The movement of eyes to loud noises is a brainstem
function. Even the withdrawal of pain is a primitive brainstem
function with its interpretation being in the cortex.
As a society, I don't think that we promote humanity by simply
doing everything to keep people alive. Quite the contrary,
as doctors we sometimes take humanity away by some of the
horrible things that we keeping some people alive
who should otherwise die.
The worst case that I saw was that of an end-stage multiple
sclerosis patient in Detroit. This old lady was essentially
quadriplegic, couldn't talk, couldn't swallow, and probably
only felt pain--but had no ability to prevent it or tell others
to do something about it. The only thing that indicated to
us that she was in pain was the grimace on her face. She was
admitted from her nursing home for sepsis secondary to pressure
ulcers. This lady unfortunately had a family who received
and cashed her social security check on a monthly basis. The
family wanted everything done to keep her alive to keep those
checks coming in the mail, yet never once came into the hospital
to visit her. Fortunately, the infection was overwhelming
and she took the opportunity to end her own suffering, despite
our retarded efforts demanded by the fucking family to keep
her alive. Sorry again for the profanity...but I felt like
calling the social security administration to suspend the
payments. Maybe then the family would do the right thing and
let her go peacefully instead of inflicting more pain on her.
Not only is this issue about what is right and wrong... the
other question about the Schiavo case centers around who is
paying for this? Is it society's burden to keep a brainstem
alive at the cost of about 100-200K per year? Couldn't we
be spending this money on "the children." (I hate
that line. Seems like every political issue now centers around
that stupid tag line). But in all seriousness, living wills,
power of attorney, and other legal mumbo jumbo set aside,
there is no point.
Sure a distinction needs to be made with mental retardation
patients since there needs to be some protection there. But
we're not talking about mental retardation, we're talking
about persistent vegetative states ...a condition where this
is no meaningful interaction with other people or the environment.
And if a persistent vegetative state has been diagnosed, I
don't really care what the power of attorney, living will
or whatever says ...there is no person there anymore. Its
time to let go...
Side Note: If I ever am diagnosed as being
in a persistent vegetative state, for God's sake, remove the
tubes, yank the IVs, and pull the cord. Throw in a hefty dose
of the barbiturates, let my brainstem get high, and for heaven's
sake, throw in some benzos for good measure....and hell give
me the rocuronium.
Wednesday, March 23: Arrgggh!
One of the best parts of snowboarding a few weeks ago was
the drive in the mountains in the Performance Package 330i
BMW. Lowered and with a stiffer suspension, this thing was
a blast to drive. Dropping it into second and pulling through
the turn at 60 was just nuts (I love engine drag...tach hit
about 6K). I could feel the subtle adjustment in the back
end as it slid out and corrected thrust angle. What an amazing
Unfortunately, a day later I noted a squeak in the clutch
when the car was not warmed up. Clutch feel otherwise is normal,
but I wonder if I burnt that organic disk up. I actually did
more reading and found out that the PP 330i does have a lighter-weight
flywheel so that may account from some of the squeak. In addition,
turns out that I burnt off 1 1/2 quarts of synthetic 5W-30!
Either way its going into the shop...its a performance machine
and there is no reason to have a squeaking clutch with so
few miles on it... Oh well, can't wait until I see the bill
for replacing the this rate I better do a little
more moonlighting.
Also, I'm still trying to figure out the optimal front tire
pressure. The car was shipped with a 32 psi in the front and
a 34 psi in the back as far as I can tell. At these pressures,
I had three episodes of push with Dynamic
Stability Control off and two even with it on! At 26 psi,
there was actually a little maybe I'll drop
it down to 30...
Monday, March 21: Beer Analysis
Beer |
Analysis |
Rating |
Samuel Smith Imperial Stout |
Russian Imperial Stout--Rich tasting smooth beer. Excellent.
Already one of the top rated beers...Need I say more? |
5 |
Bert Grant's Imperial Stout |
Russian Imperial Stout--pending |
p |
Samuel Smith Taddy Porter |
English Porter--Very good...but I think I liked the
Original Flag Porter was better. ...of course, the Taddy
comes in a 550 mL bottle instead of the normal 355...which
helps drown out those daemons. :) |
4 |
Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout |
Oatmeal Stout--Hmmm, I know I drank this one...but I
was already pretty I don't remember it that
much. I've had this one before and I know its a great
beer. I'm discovering that I love malt and oatmeal flavors.... |
4.5 |
Young's Oatmeal Stout |
Oatmeal Stout--Arrrghh ...I feel like Barney on the
Simpson's by now. Very rich taste. Can't figure out which
one is better the Sam Smith or the Young's... |
4.5 |
Young's Double Chocolate Stout |
Milk/Sweet good tastes like chocolate.
An old favorite with a rich deep flavor. I don't think
I can decide which one is better..the Mackeson or the
Young's... |
5 |
Stone Brewing Old Guardian |
American Barley Wine--Okay...the last in my Barley Wine
Style beers...this one was not that bad. Very strong and
not as smooth as stout, but not overtly bitter like the
Talon or the Sierra Nevada. I liked it and I'll give it
a 3 even though I won't be getting it again... especially
since its 4 bucks a bottle. |
3 |
Stone Brewing Arrogant Bastard Ale |
American Strong Ale--pending |
p |
Paulaner Hefe-weizen |
Hefe Weizen--This was a nice hefe. Smooth and easy drinking.
In my opinion could use a little more wheat taste. Even
though you are not supposed to put a lemon in a hefe,
I think that it would make it a little nicer.
3.5 |
Schneider and Sohn Schneider Weisse |
Hefe Weizen--Very good. Better than the Paulaner. The
German Hefe-weizen have a more of a stronger aftertaste.
I think I like the Redhook and the Pyramid better. |
4 |
Aventinus Weizen Eisbock |
Eisbock--If one word described this one...its "strong."
This one had the highest alcohol content of all the beers
that I got...12%. Basically, an eisbock is a dark beer
that is frozen and then has some ice removed so it is
a concentrated beer. This eisbock was not as rich as a
oatmeal or a milk stout or a Chimay, but it was dark and
had a powerful and unique flavor ...definitely not as
smooth. This is a good potent beer and probably a nice
beer to have once in a while, but its not a regular drinker. |
3 |
Mackeson Triple XXX Stout |
Milk/Sweet Stout--Now this beer caught my attention.
Very sweet and full of flavor and extremely smooth. Almost
like a chocolate stout. In my opinion, this would make
an excellent desert beer. I'll definitely be getting this
one in the future. Excellent price as well at Trader Joe's. |
5 |
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale |
American Barley Wine--UGH!!! Nasty Beer. I could not
finish it. Supposively, this is a beer that needs to be
aged prior to drinking to get rid of some of the rancid
bitterness--Mine had a 2005 label on it. But am I really
going to buy these and leave them somewhere for a year???
Come on... This was the first barley wine that I have
tried. I hope the rest are not similar because they will
be going down the drain if that is the case. |
1 |
Grant's Mandarin Hefeweizen |
Hefe Weizen--This Hefe had a fake orange taste to
it that overpowered the rest of the beer. Drinkable,
but just not that interesting since there was no balance.
I'll stick to my Pyramid Apricot Ale for my wheat based
beer with an interesting brew. |
2 |
Celebrator Double Bock Beer |
Doppelbock--Probably the best beer out of the whole
bunch (number 21 of the highest rated beers from beeradvocate)...
It better be since it was $3.50 for one 12 oz beer. But
cost aside, this one was smooth, rich, complex and powerful.
Puts yellow beers to shame... If it was more affordable,
I'd probably get some more, but I think the the Spaten
is an excellent choice as well. |
5 |
Spaten Optimator |
Doppelbock--Wow! This was one of the first beers that
I tried in my beer tasting. Initially after my first sip,
I was shocked...this was one potent beer. Very complex
in flavor. After getting over the initial shock, the rest
of the beer was an adventure...each sip was different,
rich, and flavorful. The Doppelbock is definitely an interesting
beer. |
5 |
Talon Barley Wine |
American Barley Wine--Yikes! After trying the Sierra
Nevada Bigfoot Barley Wine Style Ale and disliking it
so much, I had to figure out if the Sierra Nevada was
just an aberration, or the taste was bad throughout this
category. Unfortunately, I happened to hate this beer
too. I don't know why...but maybe because I am what is
called a "super taster" (basically, a person
who has has a taste sensation for bitter foods, with the
hallmark food being brussel spouts...uck!). Again, this
was one bitter beer that was difficult to drink. I think
I would prefer a Jack Daniel's or some shots of tequila
over this. far 0/2 in the Barley Wine class. ...any
body want the rest?
1 |
Guinness Pub Draught |
Irish Dry Stout--I thought that Guinness was synonymous
with good beer, or the beer that people who had discerning
tastes would drink. How wrong could I be. This was one
of the most watery beers that was not labeled "light"
that I have ever tried. Will avoid this one in the future.
Note this is not the normal Guinness. ie, the Extra Bitter
Stout. |
2 |
Theakston Old Peculier |
Old Ale--Interesting beer... Its like a newcastle on
steroids. Changes from malt in the beginning to hops in
the end. Not overpowering on either side. In my opinion,
needs to be a little more salty. Otherwise its a good
beer, but I think there are better examples within this
style such as the Original Flag Porter. |
3.5 |
Murphy's Pub Draught |
Irish Dry Stout--Now the Widget is a cool invention,
but it doesn't make up for the lack of flavor in a beer.
This one was better than the Guinness Draught but still
was a little weak. I'll avoid Irish Dry Stouts in the
future...not my cup of tea. |
2.5 |
Black Toad Dark Ale |
American Porter--Had a little too much burnt malt flavor.
It had the consistency of a Newcastle, but, in my opinion,
not as good. |
2 |
Mendocino Black Hawk Stout |
American Stout--This one is a good, solid beer. Good
flavor with a full and rich taste. Not as complex or powerful
as some of the others but I have found to the Stout calls
of beers (with the exception of the Irish Dry Stout) to
be a uniformly good choice. |
3.5 |
Original Flag Porter |
English Porter--Very refreshing. Nice clean crisp taste.
Has a vinegar/worcestershire flavor to it. Low alcohol
at 5% and a bit light on the taste, but it still had a
nice character to it. I guzzled this one is seconds....maybe
I was really thirsty. Better than a Newcastle Brown Ale,
and a perfect beer for hot summer nights. |
4 |
Sam Adams Boston Larger |
Vienna Lager--Very interesting. This beer is actually
the same class of beer as one of my favorites that are
readily available at the store...the Negra Modelo. This
beer almost had a full flavor and was crisp. Slightly
hoppy. Its color was slightly amber and a lot lighter
than the Modelo. I'd have to say that I prefer the Modelo...much
more distinctive with a greater complexity of taste and
body. The modelo is less refined, but I like the bite
to it and it tastes just awesome when converted into a
(click for the recipe) |
2.5 |
Negra Modelo |
Vienna Lager--The old standby and one of my favorites.
This beer is readily found in store in Southern California
and has a strong flavor, with a tad bit of a raw and unrefined
taste to it. I like it more than the Bohemia. In my opinion
the best "Mexican beer" out there. Just say
no to Corona and other fake beers. |
4 |
Friday, March 18: Four more rotations in Residency
My final off-service rotation in residency ended today. Essentially,
it was a vacation from residency ER, but I happened to pick
up about 7 shifts at my outside moonlighting jobs. I actually
really enjoy working, for some odd reason it doesn't feel
like work
Here are some interesting cases that I had in the past week:
A young male with a dislocated jaw (probably one
of the most painful dislocations)...after I gave him a bunch
of morphine and versed for conscious sedation, he started
to laugh (because he got high). I never thought that I would
see someone laugh with a dislocated jaw. I started cracking
up myself--it was an odd sight. :)
Diagnosed metastatic brain cancer. :( ...I hate giving that
type of news....
Had a gentleman present with dizziness. On Head CT, he had
spontaneous bilateral chronic subdural hematomas with a 1.5
cm midline shift! Patient was ataxic, and had a positive Romberg's
sign, but otherwise was completely normal mentally!
Another lady with metastatic breast cancer presented with
respiratory failure. An interesting case since she had no
history of asthma, COPD, or CHF. After intubating her, I noticed
her peak airway pressures to be high. Chest X-ray showed a
big cancer mass. After about one hour on the vent, the patient
crashed. I listened to her chest and, sure enough, there were
no breath sounds on her left chest--a tension pneumothorax
as I expected. I darted her chest, got a rush of air, and
proceed to place a chest tube. After cutting through the chest
wall, I had another larger gush of air. Unfortunately, the
patient died. Point to self: the needle thoracostomy is worthless
even though it is the standard of care. If the patient has
a tension pneumothorax, dart the chest and cut a hole in the
chest immediately...then set up for the chest tube.
After working in the community for the past two months, I
have a new found respect for the residency training that I
got. The level of acuity at King is severe. Patients present
in extremis all the time with diagnoses that are preventable
and often curable if they only presented to the ER earlier.
I doubt that residents at academic institutions such as Stanford
see anything like the severity as King. I undoubtedly feel
very prepared to work on the outside, and I'm excited to graduate
and practice with autonomy.
Tuesday, March 15: Beeradvocate fallout
I was actually so intrigued by the different types of beers
on that I decided to go on a beer adventure
and learn about all the different types of beers (okay maybe
not all beers). So I headed on out to Trader Joe's and then
to a Maurie's...a store catering to the beer drinker. In total,
I bought 23 different beers (six were in six packs, and one
was a four back). Total bill...about $100. I now have enough
beer to last me a few months, or a few days if life gets rough.:)
Basically, I got a bunch of stouts, porters, ales, doppelbocks,
hefeweizens, barley wines, and an eisbock (which I yet to
figure out what that is). Of course, I couldn't pass up on
the Arrogant Bastard Ale to which the guy I was talking to
(Maurie---the owner--believe it or not) said would destroy
my taste buds. Supposively, its doubled up on hops and has
a powerful and bitter taste. He said if I like it, I should
come back and get the Double Arrogant Bastard Ale. I presume
that this one is twice as strong as the one that is already
twice as strong!?!?!?
Here is a list of the beers I got including the type of beer
it is and its rating from (In order from
the pictures)
Beer |
Type |
Rating |
Samuel Smith Imperial Stout |
Russian Imperial Stout |
4.36 |
Bert Grant's Imperial Stout |
Russian Imperial Stout |
3.78 |
Samuel Smith Taddy Porter |
English Porter |
4.07 |
Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout |
Oatmeal Stout |
4.25 |
Young's Oatmeal Stout |
Oatmeal Stout |
4.01 |
Young's Double Chocolate Stout |
Milk/Sweet Stout |
4.15 |
Stone Brewing Old Guardian |
American Barley Wine |
4.10 |
Stone Brewing Arrogant Bastard Ale |
American Strong Ale |
4.26 |
Paulaner Hefe-weizen |
Hefe Weizen
4.16 |
Schneider and Sohn Schneider Weisse |
Hefe Weizen |
3.92 |
Aventinus Weizen Eisbock |
Eisbock |
4.12 |
Mackeson Triple XXX Stout |
Milk/Sweet Stout |
4.15 |
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale |
American Barley Wine |
4.23 |
Grant's Mandarin Hefeweizen |
Hefe Weizen |
3.40 |
Celebrator Double Bock Beer |
Doppelbock |
4.40 |
Spaten Optimator |
Doppelbock |
3.98 |
Talon Barley Wine |
American Barley Wine
3.85 |
Guinness Pub Draught |
Irish Dry Stout |
3.70 |
Theakston Old Peculier |
Old Ale |
3.96 |
Murphy's Pub Draught |
Irish Dry Stout |
3.82 |
Black Toad Dark Ale |
American Porter |
3.30 |
Mendocino Black Hawk Stout |
American Stout |
3.64 |
Original Flag Porter |
English Porter |
3.82 |

Reviews will be written as I drink the Beers... :)
Monday, March 14: Omakase style
Ever on a
quest for the best dynamite (a baked scallop appetizer), I
stumbled across Sushi Wasabi...a hole in
the wall restaurant next to a 7/11 and a donut shop in Tustin.
(The address and phone is 14460 Newport Ave # F, Tustin CA
(714) 505-3496 for those of you who are intrigued). Sushi
happens to be my favorite food, and I end up going on a lot
of dates to sushi restaurants I've been to
a bunch of sushi places in the last few months. This makes
me a de facto expert on sushi, but obviously not on women
(but then again who is???). :)
On first inspection, this place had about zero atmosphere
and I was almost fooled into thinking that the sushi would
follow in similar suit. How wrong could I be! I almost fell
out of my chair because this sushi was so good!
The restaurant is run by a japanese couple, and they only
serve omakase style authentic sushi and nothing else. No miso
soup, no dynamite, and no green tea ice cream... just Japanese
style sushi. There is no such thing as the "california
roll" for the fake sushi connoisseur either. One reviewer
of the restaurant actually stated that the sushi at Sushi
Wasabi is better than the sushi in Japan! Obviously, I've
never been to Japan, but I must say that this is the best
sushi that I have ever tried.
Katsu, the owner, personally makes all the sushi. When you
sit down at the sushi bar, he prepares the freshest sushi
from the the catch of the day--there's no ordering (that's
what omakase style means--if I'm not mistaking). It truly
was an awesome experience as I tried things that were unique
and innovative, things that I have never tried anywhere else.
The only drawback was the price. This was the most expensive
sushi that I have had--$130 for two people!
Unfortunately, my date had less personality than the dead
fish sitting on my plate. But I'll definitely be heading back
there soon to experience some more sushi from this fascinating
Wednesday, March 9: Mountain Surfing
Alrighty, I just deleted my March 8th entry ...point to self:
don't write in the blog when drunk...
Anyways, went boarding today with Hines...Had an awesome
time. The last time I went I had new Ride Orion Boots of 10
1/2 size. Unbeknownst to me, the inserts stretch out. Needless
to say, I had a tough time carving frontside (which was very
weird since I never had this problem before--albeit, the last
time I snowboarded prior to this year was before med school).
I returned the 10 1/2 boot and got the Size 10. Hallelujah!
Had no problem kicking out the end of the board...
The day was amazing...It was 75 degrees out! Where else can
you snowboard in that type of weather? Of course, the ice
turns to a powder mixture and then into slush (which makes
life a little harder). But by that time, your quads are burning
up from the perpetual "house of pain" (a weight
lifting term) and its time to head home. Who's up for the
next trip? Do I hear Pedro?

Monday, March 7: Sideways
I actually must admit that I really enjoyed this movie. Now,
I'm not going to claim that I'm an artsy type of guy, because
I often don't find much art to be all that interesting. Sure
I like some art, such as the paintings of Salvador Dali or
lithographs of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, :) but
I find the pseudo-intellectuals who talk incessantly about
art and its meaning to be a little nauseating ...especially
when they try to ascribe meaning to things that are meaningless--just
walk around in a modern art museums to see what I mean. Anyways,
this art flick had something to it.
Obviously, this was about two different personalities and
two different approaches to life. One who was pensive and
hesitant, and the other who was carefree and dove right in
into life. We see the frustration of inaction, and we see
the bliss of going all out. Of course, the things you want
in life have to be pursued ...lofty ideas, inactive plans,
and daydreaming get you nowhere.
I think there is a part of each personality in everyone.
Like everything else, there probably is an appropriate balance.
If you acted on every whim, you will eventually not accomplish
anything meaningful ( eventually think about the man
who was engaged...did it have any deeper meaning?). Likewise,
if you failed to act, you simply see the inability to create
anything with meaning and it blocks you from the things that
do make you happy.
Alright, enough analysis..."Sideways" is a great
movie. I'd definitely recommend it.
Side Note: a Great movie
that I would also rank as top notch, if you haven't seen it
is "Adaptation."
March 5: Okay...I'm having too much fun at
My favorite beers and their ratings:
Negra Modelo: 3.38
Asahi Black: 3.62
Sam Adams Black Lager: 3.83
Newcastle: 3.32
San Miguel Dark Lager: 3.36
Pyramid Hefeweizen: 3.06
Pyramid Apricot Ale: 3.63
Red Hook Double Black Stout: 4.13 (look at that rating!!!)
Only if I could find this in stores!!! (had it at their brewery
in Portsmouth--its awesome)
Red Hook Hefe: 3.25
...virtually every oatmeal stout that I've tried at Trader Joe's has been awesome.
Check this out! I think they make a beer specifically for
me: Oaked
Arrogant Bastard Ale (Oaked Bastard) Rated at
4.55! and in Comes in a 3 LITER bottle!!!...when
2 liters just doesn't make you drunk enough! lol
Looks like many of the top notch brews are from small breweries...too
bad its difficult to find them. I'll have to do some hunting
over at Trader Joe's to see if there is anything good there.
As for comparison, the major brews (which I hate) are rated
as follows:
2.34 (you know the corporate guys paid off a few people to
write good reviews on this one ...People who gave the beer
all 5's--Yeah, I'll believe that...) And 83% of beer connoisseurs
think this beer sucks! Who are the 17% that think this is
a good beer???
Miller Genuine Draft: 2.34 this review: In
my opinion this is about as bad as a beer can get without
having something wrong with it. Laughing my ass off!
Coors Light: 1.91 ...and has a great 92% disapproval rate!
Light: 1.61 HA!!!!! I've always said
this beer tastes like piss! Now I have documented proof! I
don't know why people say they like it...I would presume because
of marketing as the "cool, laid-back" beer. But come on! This
brew has a 100% disapproval rate with 90
people having reviewed the beer. In all fairness, Corona Extra
is rated 2.18. ..which, unfortunately, is still crappy. :)
Over 21,000 beers on much beer so little
Saturday, March 5: "Why am I not dead?"
I came across this article, Patient
survives doctor-assisted suicide, in the news. Alrighty,
so how bad of a doctor do you have to be to fail at this???
Turns out that assisted suicide in Oregon has a preference
for the use of barbiturates (as far as I can tell). The article
goes on to say that it has taken some people up to 48 hours
to die! Well Duh! Anybody who knows about the GABAa receptor
knows that there are three binding sites--one for barbiturates,
one for benzodiazapines, and of course one for GABA. And anyone
who has ever dealt with the poisoned patient knows that the
patient with multiple drug ingestions is the one likely to
have a bad outcome (i.e. death)...whereas overdoses of such
drugs like the benzodiazapine class are actually benign. So
why not just give a lethal dose of the barbiturates, and throw
in the benzos for good measure??? ...since there is a synergistic
effect. and if you don't believe me just look at the picture.
For those who don't know, the GABA receptor is an inhibitory
channel, blocking neurons from creating action potentials
(or "firing"). Therefore, overdoses of barbiturates,
benzos, and alcohol obviously have inhibitory effects on your
brain. Interestingly, small doses of barbiturates and alcohol
are stimulatory based on the premise of inhibiting inhibitory
type neurons. One of the reasons why you can't fall asleep
after drinking....
My favorite "brain cocktail" is coffee and then
a Negra
Modelo about an hour later... :) (click on Negra Modelo
for an awesome review from
The coffee wakes you up and the beer mellows you out... I'm
actually beginning to really start disliking amber beers...they
are just weak with no body, and no flavor!
So anyways, I decided to see if there was a recommended "assisted
suicide protocol" (i.e. recommended drugs) on the internet.
The next thing I know, I come across this webpage: Self-injection
of barbiturates, benzodiazepines and other sedative-anxiolytics
in baboons. Okay, now we are just bordering on the bizarre.
Interesting study, but I think if I was a baboon, trapped
in some cage, with probably the only source of entertainment
as being the omnipresence of Jerry Springer on mid-day TV,
I think I would happily self-inject as many medications as
possible to numb that brain up too. :)
As for euthanasia, I support its implementation...why let people
suffer with terminal illnesses? ...its inhumane. ...and yes,
barbiturates are the preferred drug for euthanasia in Oregon
according to this webpage.
In my opinion, why not add a hefty dose of benzos?
Of course, the funniest thing would be a negligence suit
against the doctor for failing to provide a lethal dose of
narcotics. Where's Johnny (Cochrane) when you need him?
Friday, March 4: Chinois on Main
Had one of the best (out to eat) dinners ever at Chinois
on Main the other day! A SIX course meal!!! Here's the Menu:
Tempura ahi tuna sashimi with fresh uni sauce
Chinois chicken salad
Whole sizzling catfish with ginger and ponzu sauce (excellent)
Shanghai lobster with curry sauce and crispy ginger
Charcoal grilled szhechuan beef, thinly sliced, with hot chili
oil, cilantro shallot sauce (just awesome--I'd recommend this)
Dessert assortment
Finally, shoot the shit with the waiter (who we actually
saw the previous month at Spago's!!!), tell him you had your
21st birthday here (which is true), and the next thing you
know, you've got an extra serving of creme brulee!!! Woohoo!
Thursday, March 3: Update on Right Sided MI Patient
WOW! Chalk one up in the save column!!!
I placed a call over to the cardiologist at USC who took
care of our patient that we transferred on Feb. 6th (yeah,
I've been lazy with the web page lately). Turns out that he
survived!!! And my diagnosis was right on the money!!!
The CT of the chest demonstrated no false lumens inside the
aortic arch--ruling out a dissection. And the Cath Report
demonstrated a Dominant Right Main Coronary...just as I predicted!
(Wedge pressure was 46!!! --Fruck) To me there was a lot of
evidence that made this apparent. The EKG on this patient
had ST-segment elevation in lead II that was greater than
lead III, an indirect indicator of right-sided MI and the
Sinus Node was also out. In addition, the patient was in preload
dependent cardiogenic shock. What else would cause that scenario
with the exception of a right sided MI? To me, getting a right
sided EKG is useless...the patient is clinically telling you
that the right ventricle isn't working.
In the cath lab, a stent was placed to open the RCA. Next,
the patient was given an IABP (Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump)
to decrease the workload for the next few days. Ultimately,
the patient did well and lived to see another day!
Medicine truly is fascinating.
Sunday, February 27: Revision of Web Page
Well after reading that some people were running into trouble
at work because of their blog, I opted to revise a bunch of
entries... I think its well sanitized now. Thank god for the
"Thought Police!"
Friday, February 18: "Don't
let me Die"
Shot in the left upper chest and in the face, my 20ish year
old patient rolls into the trauma center. He complains of
belly pain...yet there is no bullet in that direction. His
breathing is good, and he is mentally with it... I quickly
assess him... and notice a hole in the back of his throat,
and he has fairly good breath sounds... I fall back onto our
simple trauma algorythms...ABCs (Airway, Breathing, Circulation).
"Don't let me die" he says to me as we push in the
Etomidate and Succinyl Choline...its the last thing he says
as we have just knocked him out and paralyzed his body. I
intubate him without difficulty despite the blood and distorted
anatomy. Immediately afterwards, the monitor records a rapidly
falling heart rate. Pulses disappear. TFA (traumatic full
arrest). I dart the chest with a 14 gauge expecting air to
come out. I air. Neck veins? Trachea? My brain
is racing. I grab the the 15 Blade and start cutting the chest
from front to back. We pry the ribs open with the rib spreader.
Minimal blood pours out?!?!? We rapidly find the heart and
discover its contents to be hard as a rock. The proverbial
Cardiac Tamponade. I think to myself "We can save him."
We cut the pericardium open with mayos (scissors) and huge
blood clots come out. The heart is flacid but we see the holes
in the right atrium anteriorly and posteriorly...A blood/normal
saline mixture is rapidly being spilled. Despite all our attempts,
futility becomes evident. Code called 20 minutes after arrival.
Monday, February 7: Lets go Boarding
Alrighty, let's see if we can get another snowboarding trip going!
Possible dates: Feb 24th, Feb 25th, March 1st
Boarders: Sonny, Hines, and Hurley???
Monday, February 7: The Manogram

No comment.
Monday, February 7: Herbal Remedies
How about this for circumstances: Had two patients with medical
problems related to herbal therapies in the last week.
One patient that drank only green tea and used colonics "to
clean up his system" for 4 days, ended up having multiple
electrolyte abnormalities including damage to his kidneys...
Not too bad since the body would reverse these issues with
normal food and water intake. There probably won't be any
lasting sequela until older age as kidney function gets progressively
The next patient unfortunately was not as lucky. A young
male was rubbing a herbal antibiotic into an open wound in
an attempt to make it heal better. By doing this he prevented
his normal defense mechanisms from working and he killed off
the normal bacterial skin inhabitants, selecting for an ultra-aggressive
bacteria--MRSA (methacillin resistance Staph aureus)
that lead to a septic state (bacteria in the blood). The bug
was so aggressive that he developed a severe lung infection
and an empyema (pus outside of the lungs in the chest cavity),
and multiple septic joints. Ultimately, thoracic surgeons
had to cut open his chest to drain the pus, and the orthopedic
surgeons had to cut open 6 joints to clean them out. Unbelievable!
Seven operations because of misguided and untested therapies.
I wonder what type of lasting problems he will have from all
of this. And the sad thing is that he would have done just
fine if he used soap and water.
Sunday, February 6: Quote of the Month
You've got to get into it. This is our art...this is our craft."
--Hines MD
February 6: Clinical Opinion: Hunting for Dissections
An interesting case came into the ER yesterday. An elderly
man had crushing chest pain, back pain a heart rate of about
50 and a blood pressure of about 70 over 35...obvious cardiogenic
shock. The cardiac monitor showed the highest ST-segment elevations
that I have ever seen--commonly referred to as "tomb
stoning" because of the likely outcome. The EKG was diagnostic
for an acute inferior and lateral ST segment MI (heart attack)
and for an irregular bradycardic junctional rhythm. Mortality
for an event like this is above 90%.
The problems: 1) Going to Cath lab is the best way to possibly
survive this event. The literature states that your have two
hours to get the patient to an interventional cath lab for a
PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention), otherwise an inferior
but possibly effective treatment may be tried ...i.e. thrombolytics.
2) Patient was strongly positive for a test of GI bleeding ...a
relative contraindication for administration of thrombolytics
and 3) The chest X-Ray demonstrated a wide mediastinum and had
a +/- calcium sign within the mess; both possible indicators
of an aortic absolute contraindication to thrombolytics.
We decided to transfer to a cath lab and I made the trip
over to USC with lights and sirens going off in the paramedic
rig. On arrival to USC, the patient was on 20 mcgs of dopamine
for blood pressure, mounting a meager 85 systolic and was
being demand-paced transcutaneously using 10 mAmps at 70 beats
per minute. The patient also had progressive worsen of rales
(the sound that water makes when it spills into the airways
of the lung)...another bad sign. Labs resulted from the initial
blood draw already were positive for cardiac enzymes (troponin
of about 5 and CK MB fraction of 55) ruling in a heart attack
(duh...). The only treatment given so far that was therapeutic
was aspirin.
The next question: Should you rule out a dissection prior
to cath lab? The cardiologists wanted the CT scan to rule
it out...
My opinion: The axiom of "time is muscle"
indicates that something has to be done and it has to be done
quickly. In my opinion the patient should go straight to the
Cath lab and pass on the CT scan. If the CT scan demonstrates
that there is a dissection, the patient is going to die anyways
...guaranteed. No cardiothoracic surgeon is going to operate
on an aortic dissection in a patient with documented MI, cardiogenic
shock, being paced transcutaneously, and on blood pressure
support. An intra-aortic balloon pump would also be like pissing
in the wind as it is only a temporizing measure. In addition,
cardiac enzymes were already positive and, therefore, the
MI is already a known condition. What would be the likelihood
of both occurring at the same time? (unless its a Sanford
type A dissection extending into the coronaries) The mortality
of such an encounter is so high that doing the "standard
of care" should really be based on the clinical encounter
with all its variables, a cost-benefit analysis, and on the
expertise of the treating physicians. Going straight to the
Cath lab would give this patient maybe a 5% to 10% chance
of survival and possibly fixing a dominant right main coronary
(since the sinus node was obviously out, and the lateral V3
- V6 leads showed an injury current as well). Doing a CT would
just delay a possible cath and decrease the odds of survival.
Do you do what you think is correct, or do you "cover
your ass" and get a CT scan?
So if the patient has a dissection in addition to an MI,
going to cath lab will accelerate his death, but he would
have died anyways. To suggest that there is medical liability
for accelerating the patient's death versus just letting him
die is asinine ...especially when you think you have a chance
at saving his life. In my opinion, looking at these problems
from a defensive medicine approach is not better medicine.
Quite the contrary, defensive medicine is often times inferior.
...Will update this entry once I find out the results of
the CT scan and Cath.
Sunday, February 5: New Job
I'm loving my new moonlighting job at Kaiser. Everything went smoothly. The volume was a little low...saw
10 patients in 8 hours (when I should see a least 16). Anyways, I sent 9 home and admitted one. One
thing is for sure, I'll miss being at a trauma center after graduation.
February 1: A-Pillar Tach and Brain Matter Splat
No mercy for what we are doing
No thought to even what we have done We don't need
to feel the sorrow
No remorse for the helpless one
Outside the ER was the evidence ...surrounded by that yellow
police tape. ...Another "homeboy" ambulance.
The "ambulance" was that of a modified honda...It
looked lowered, had "tricked out" rims... On the
inside, a specialized tachometer attached to the A-pillar
(the junction between the windshield and the front windows),
with some other devices, and a fancy looking manual stick
shift knob. A few windows were blown out, a cavitary hole
in the door, and a cracked windshield showed the stigmata
of lead that flies through the air.
This ambulance brought into the ER a young man with a gun
shot wound to the back of the skull. The lead entered through
the posterior fossa, straight through the basal ganglia, crossed
the midline at the sella tursica, exited the anterior fossa
through the right orbital foramen, blew out the eye, and lodged
near the eyebrow. Brain matter was being squeezed out like
playdough at the playdough factory.
No mercy for what we are doing
No thought to even what we have done
Monday, January 31: Shrapnel
and Fallout
The vote in Iraq is over with a 60% turnout...even with gunshots, mortar
attacks, and suicide bombers.
Assessment: 1) Ted Kennedy must be upset. 2) The turnout
is higher than elections in the U.S. Do we take democracy
for granted? 3) Its time to bring the troops home...
The real question: Are countries in the Middle East deserving
of Democracy?
Thursday, January 27: Suicide Attempt
Some Jackass places his car on the metro link rails in an
attempt to kill himself. Instead he decides against it and
gets out of his car, as opposed to simply driving
away! Great Job Asshole! Now 11 people are dead,
200 injured, and the cost to fix this problem will be in the
millions. Next, our glorious legal system will kick in, he
will be charged with murder, and his defense we be temporary
insanity. Even if the guy gets what he deserves, i.e. the
death penalty, he will sit in some prison for the next 20+
years before the "rahabilitationists" come to his
defense and try to get him released. Unbelievable. I could
even see the spill out of lawsuits against the MTA. How come
there were no seatbelts in the train? How about some padded
seats? If it was up to me the guy should be shot today. Why
we have to coddle to people who cause us so much pain, suffering,
and economic damage is beyond comprehension.
Tuesday, January 25: Diagnosis of the Week
Happened all in a patient without a previous medical history:
(the order of our diagnoses made)
1. Shock, Hemorrhagic: Tachy in 130s, BP of 100
2. Upper GI Bleed: Hemoglobin of 8...patient already lost
1/2 of his blood
3. Diabetes: sugar comes back over 700 (normal is 100)
4. Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Single digit Bicarb, anion gap of
45 (severe)
5. Acute Renal Failure: 2-fold bump in creatinine (only 1/2
of his kidneys are perfusing)
6. Liver disease: Bumped enzymes
7. Coagulopathy: INR of 2 (a measure of blood clotting ability--anything
above 1.6 is bad)
8. Variceal Bleeding by endoscopy--one of toughest to control
(who gets varacies at age 32!?!?!)
...a few hours away from death...and only 2 years older than
me. Yikes! Chalk this one up in the save column.
Tuesday, January 25: Borracho
Yes it happened again... I was verbally assaulted.
However, it wasn't the typical "white devil" remark or the
"honky mother @%&~#&" from some inebriated psych patient.
This verbal assault came from the mouth a four year old girl.
It must be a new low point in my life...
It all started with a rubber glove. You see, we often blow
up gloves and make faces on them...the thumb becomes the nose
and those fingers become a cool little mohawk. After making
our Glove Man, I tried passing him to the little girl. She
reached her arms out, grabbed him, pulled him into her body...only
to start screaming as if in fear. Huh? So I offered up my
hand to take Mr. Glove Man, and she promptly gave him back
to me with relief of her yells instigated by the tormenting
puppet. How weird was that?
So I offer Mr. Glove Man up again ...because most little
kids just love the adorable creature...and she snatched him
out of my hands only to start screaming. Again, I offered
my hands out and she passed him back. What are we playing
here? The hot potato? Very bizarre.
So anyways, after a few rounds...the game gets a little abusive.
The next thing I know, the girl lashes out with jaw-dropping
attack...and calls me "borracho!" Oh my lord! But
she wasn't done there! ...The next thing she said was "calmate".
Oh lordy, She essentially just called me a "drunk bastard"
and told me to "calm down"...
I cry...
Sunday, January 23: Start Date
Finally have a start date for Kaiser! Woohoo!!! This might
mark the end of in-house moonlighting (at least for NSICU).
Somehow I'm still working the next eight days. ugh...
Side: Cool article
today on weight lifting. And I just started doing squats again...
Thursday, January 20: Quotes of the Day
"You be talking to me like I'm a joker. I ain't no joker,
I'm the midnight toker!" ...I had to look up "toker"
on sad is that?
"Crucifer is God's right hand man!" ...a few minutes later
she was signing "We are the World" at the top of her lungs. how can you work with that type of entertainment?
Last week's quote: "Hey Hurley! What's really cracking?"
...this was the first thing that a family member said to me
in reference to the status of a patient. My response was "huh?"
Wednesday, January 19: UC Berkeley Wellness Letter
Went through the entire list
of supplements that you can look at without a subscription.
Only thing that I can see as being beneficial: calcium, creatine
(which I've taken for years...but obviously not currently
on), folic acid, iron, and a multivitamin. Things that possibly
work...Saw Palmetto, St. John's Wort.
Note: Calcium, folic acid, iron, and multivitamins have been
supported by the medical establishment for a long time.
Hence, naturopaths feeding patients some astragalus tea =
Wednesday, January 19: Garlic for
Blood Pressure
has just decided to license Naturopaths,
a brand new form of hand-holding 'doctor' a la Pinkus from
of God." When you don't know your medicine...go hold
the patients hand. How fantastic is that?
The echinacea crowd must be ecstatic. Unfortunately, the
general population has really gotten confused on this issue
and for some odd reason, medications that have specific indications
and that have been put through rigorous tests and heavy FDA
scrutiny are bad while untested medications by unscrupulous
"labs" looking to feed off of this nonsense are
good. The damage that this can do is tremendous.
Sure there are medications with known bad side effects such
as the recently discovered problems with COX-2 class of drugs
and probably the entire non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
class as well. But taking a medication with a known side effect,
in my opinion, is better than taking a medication that has
not been proven to do what the manufacturers claim it does
and has unknown side effects as well. In addition, the "remedies"
espoused by these "professionals" doesn't offer
anything that is really life-changing effective. Just look
at echinacea ...equal to placebo in effectiveness ...probably
an effect of methylxanthines (another world for caffeine).
Go read the Berkeley Wellness Letter for their echinacea
analysis. It even states possible risks to decrease your
So the problem is that people taking "natural cures"
will think that what they are doing is effective when if fact
it probably isn't doing anything. Obviously, there is room
for the normal things like eat right, exercise and take some maybe there is a little bit of room for
the hand-holders. But when you come into the ER for a headache
that just won't go away, and your blood pressure happens to
be 210/120...stopping your "Western" medications
because of feared "side-effects" and deciding to
take "garlic" for blood pressure because you heard
it on the radio is a pretty stupid decision. (...and yes,
this happened a few weeks ago.)
The beauty about Western Medicine is that it takes ideas
and challenges them to see if there is a cause-effect relationship.
Eastern Medicine has no such desire to challenge its own concepts
to see if these things work. Because once something has been
put up to the scientific method, and has proven to be true
or false, it is now a principal of Western Medicine. Somebody
please email me and argue that Eastern Medicine is based on
the scientific method ...I'd love to hear it. And if the research
happens to disprove the hypothesis, don't expect the naturopaths
to drop it from their armory of placebos.
Just look at this nonsense from the LA
Times article:
"Taraviras has drunk astragalus tea to help
his body fight a cold, let an unsightly rash run its course
rather than take steroids and had an injured ankle checked
for a possible break with a tuning fork — a device once
commonly used by orthopedists to check for bone fractures."
My analysis: 1) if you eat dog crap in the freezing rain,
your cold will go away lest you freeze to death 2)
those topical antifungals and topical steroids are implicated
in multiple deaths 3) I think that I will opt for the "device
commonly used by orthopedists to check for bone fractures"
called the fricking X-RAY... I don't think I want to walk
on a bad ankle the rest of my life because a tuning fork made
the right sound. the way. According to the Berkeley Wellness Letter,
supplements are a waste of money."
Side Note: Health plans, to which I can't
name, have decided to implement these homeopathic meds. Its
a win-win situation for them. First they don't have to pay
for expensive drugs, and second, they lure in the wacky cliental
that pays for health care but doesn't really want it in the
form it is dispensed ...funny huh?
Aspirin, for those who don't know, is a herbal drug and has
saved millions of lives, but it also kills about 19,000 people
a year.
Tuesday, January 18: Thanks...
Turns out that "Ghetto Phone" was a big hit. Thanks to everyone
for their comments on the webpage...
Sunday, January 16: Should I stop being shocked?
There is always something interesting that rolls into the
ER ...especially in the part of LA in which I work. Some of
the stories are interesting, or the diagnoses made are bizarre,
or maybe its the analysis on the human condition as being
something that makes you sit back and just wonder.
I will always remember a few stories. One of the weirdest
ones was that of a man with schizophrenia who perceived his
testicles as being he dissected his scrotum, excised
the testicle, only to put it in the frying pan and cooked
it up!!! Or the fascinating case of the female with Marfan's
syndrome who developed an aortic dissection at 8 months of
gestation. The list can go on and on...
Another interesting encounter occurred today. A 14 year old
presented to the ER with a laceration after an
big deal...but she was also 2 months pregnant! Obviously a
sad event... But the shocking aspect about it was the mother
was 28!!! How can you be a grandmother at 28!!! I don't know
if I should be shocked or amazed....
Side Note: The Ghetto Phone went off again
today... and everybody started hilarious!
Saturday, January 15: Departure
Rushton has officially moved onto another residency training
program. I wish him the best of luck... And that he finishes
his military obligations and returns to the LA area...if there
are any ERs still open 5 years down the road. I need a snowboarding
buddy ...especially since Sonny is moving up north after residency...ugh!
Friday, January 14: Searching for Racism
This was one weird week.
It started out with a guy wanting a narcotic prescription.
This happens all the time, but the interesting thing about
it was that he attempted to use the recent bad press on NSAIDs
to do it!!! He got pissed when I told him I wasn't going to
prescribe any of those drugs for his condition and he called
me "arrogant." Not too bizarre since that is actually a normal
level of politeness at King.
He subsequently asks me "so where you from?" Initially,
I thought that that was weird since he was already exhibiting
an antisocial/borderline
personality disorder. I respond to his question by saying
I was from Orange County.
He goes "Ahhh, that explains a lot. You must be a member
of the John Birch Society."
"Huh? Um, what's the John Birch Society?" I reply.
As a matter of fact he says, "Its a secret racist white
...Now its falling into place... "So I'm racist because
I'm white, huh?" I say in a disgusted tone.
He replies "well, ...yeah." While I sat there a
little aghast, he then says, "I used to do social work
and I can identify your types." Unbelievable...
At that point I was almost done and I contemplated just discharging
him home or telling the guy to leave. However, I stuck though
it, told the guy that that we were done talking and I was
going to finish him up and send him home.
...To which he replied: "Damn, you're arrogant."
Saturday, January 8: Ghetto Phone Phenomena
Can't hear your cell phone ring from 200 feet away? Need everyone to know what's your favorite rap song?
Is it important that everyone within eyesight hear your conversation? Are you a 23 year old single mother
of 5? Then you need the Ghetto Phone.
Almost every patient without insurance still has the ability to
afford a top-notch cell phone with obnoxious ringtones and retarded
walkie talkie functions with those damned annoying beeping noises.
Image is everything in South Central and, obviously, the cell phone
is more important than buying yourself some health insurance. In
fact, I've probably seen about ten patients assaulted in the last
two years because someone wanted to steal their phone. lame
is that?
Why does virtually every patient without healthcare insurance
have a luxury item like the cell phone? This eventually relates
back to the carrot and the stick. People have a choice to
try and work hard, save money, and take care of themselves.
Or they can spend all their money, decry that they are poor,
plead that they have too many kids, lament that they can't
afford the necessities of life, and then claim the need to
suck on the nipple of perpetual governmental welfare dependence.
Many people decide that spending all their money on stuff actually
makes more sense than saving. If you spend all your money and then
get sick, the taxpayers will have to shoulder your burden and pay
the bill. If you save money and then get sick and don't have health
insurance, us doctors will practice legal defensive medicine and
perform a hoover procedure on your wallet and leave you even poorer
than before. So obviously, spending all your money makes more sense
if you are making a marginal income such that your savings are not
that great and the average of 2-3K per year for health insurance
is a relatively large number. If this is the case, then spending
all your money and receiving governmental benefits is a logical
A good explanation for this lies in the abuse of governmental
programs. Take single mothers as an example. If your "baby
daddy" makes 30K a year and you are married to him with 2 kids,
you get zero in governmental assistance--you ain't poor enough.
Now if you aren't married, and you rent a crappy place (as a guise),
your "baby daddy" can still make his 30K and you can go
apply for WIC, AFDC, and EITC and pull in over 10K in benefits courtesy
of Uncle Sam. Thus making your net "family" income about
40K. This is actually well know in some immigrant communities where
all the assets are placed in one person's name such that everyone
else is poor and can get free health care and other governmental
benefits. Basically, cheating the system to get more money.
Hell, I think I would do the same thing ...there is so much incentive
to cheat the system with very limited negatives. This is how the
government has structured these programs and it has invited people
to behave this claim poverty, to claim victim status, and
therefore to get what's "entitled" to them.
Instead of "having your cake and eating it too," it should
be "I want my cell phone, and my free health care too."
..The ultimate "bilk the government" scam.
Side Notes: The next time a Cadillac Escalade
rolls up in 24 inch chrome spinners with multiple bullet holes in
the side and the driver doesn't have health insurance, I suggest
the following governmental intervention: 1) Sell the car--i.e. return
the lease (the spinners themselves probably cost at least 4K) 2)
Use the profits to buy a piece of shit car 3) Give the shit box
"new" car to the patient 4) All the money left over goes
to the government to pay for his future healthcare since this person
is unwilling to pay for his own insurance policy. ...I would love
to hear someone argue against this. I can hear it now..."big
brother," "privacy," "freedom." But somehow
he has the right to shift all the costs onto society and make you
and I pay for his healthcare when he clearly has the ability to
pay? I don't think so.
You may ask, "When does the Ghetto Phone go off?"
It usually goes off 5 minutes after a young male arrives
in the trauma center with multiple gun shot wounds. Its actually
interesting how fast news travels about shooting victims. The paramedics
arrive to the scene of a shooting about 5-10 minutes after the 911
call was placed. The patient is on the gurney in the trauma center
in another 5-10 minutes, and then the phone goes off a few minutes
after that. Basically, in about 25 minutes everybody knows what's
going down in da hood. ...thanks to the Ghetto Phone.
Tuesday, January 4: Dieting Analysis
Here's a little article
about Dieting. The interesting thing about it is that there is only
"one scientifically solid article" on the issue that looks into
the 10 most common diets. Only ONE article! Amazing, since so much
money is spent on diet related issues that you would think someone
would be a little bit more interested in the topic. Of course, the
controls and variables are probably too numerous to count.
I really don't care too much what diet people are on. If fact,
I get a little irritated when patients ask me what they should be
eating. I think that if you don't know by now, maybe you need to
repeat high school.
My usual response to what should I eat: "I don't care what you
eat. Get your ass up off that couch and do something you lazy rat
Monday, January 3: Running the Squeeze Play
Brain injuries and elevated intracranial pressure is one of the
toughest things to manage. In fact, I just did two moonlighting
shifts in the ICU where all I did was deal with this issue the entire
shift!!! Unfortunately, the brain is one organ that just doesn't
respond too well to insults...its an issue with easily offended
Treating these patients is fascinating...On one end you are trying
to dry the patient out so as to suck fluid out of the swelling brain
using mannitol and normal saline maintenance fluids. Then at the
same time you are trying to maintain an adequate perfusion of blood,
basically the difference between the mean arterial pressure and
the the intracranial pressure (MAP-ICP=Cerebral Perfusion Pressure)
using boluses of saline and albumin, and then possibly adding a
pressor agent like dopamine. Its tough since getting rid of fluid
tend to drop the blood pressure or "bottom out the tank",
and giving more fluids increases the swelling. Its a delicate balance
with multiple indicators that need monitoring and tinkering. In
addition, you end up destroying the kidney...oh well, guess its
better to have a brain than can always go on dialysis...
On my last shift, I was treating a patient with cerebral edema,
congestive heart failure, renal insufficiency, and hyperglycemia.
That was like running the squeeze play with a fricking walker. Anyways,
I think I finally mastered it (albeit after some 40 odd Neuro ICU
shifts). When the patient's condition changed, I called up the attending
to tell him what happened and what my plan of action was. He simply
agreed and didn't have anything further to say! A pretty cool feeling
since this has to be one the the tougher things to manage in an
ICU. The only thing the I can think of as being tougher is the management
of ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome). The good news is:
I virtually never have to deal with ARDS in the ED, but playing
ball for cerebral edema may eventually fall on my lap.
Once again I was able to optimize the patient's condition but it was
almost pointless...if your brain is swelling secondary to anoxia
from a traumatic apneic event...your future don't look so swell.
Side Note: I once attempted to place a ventriculostomy
(from the Doe Report ...a virtual how to sue doctors---awesome)
in a patient with a big time shift (where the brain is swelling
so much that the brain on one side moves to the other). I felt like
I was one of those Vikings doing a little mid evil brain surgery.
This patient was memorable since the squeeze play didn't work here.
The patient abruptly bottomed out his pressure while on high dose
pressor agents, dopamine and levophed. "Levophed or leave em
dead." There's not much you can do when this didn't
really matter however...both pupils were blown.
Monday, January 3: Navigant
Navigant is in the news after having produced a 1000+ page document
to try and fix the things at King ...Yikes! And that's just
the inpatient setting...they haven't even looked at outpatient
visits. I'm hoping the place stays open long enough for me
to at least finish residency ...I'd hate to have to find a
new place with less than six months. We will know in the next
two weeks if we will pass the CMS hurdle. Most likely JCAHO
will pull accreditation...but the hospital can still operate.
Also, this is a desperately needed hospital. ...the community
needs it.
Sunday, January 2: Happy New Year!
Haven't really decided on my New Year Resolutions ...I think I'm doing
a pretty good job as it is...and I was thinking more about these issues
a few months ago...
I did reach new levels of fatigue ...Worked 6 moonlighting shifts in
the last week. And now I have 6 12-hour shifts coming up in a row. Also
need to do more paper work for Kaiser and look into establishing a corporation,
consider joining an ER group, disability insurance, work on my research
project, consider buying a house, follow up requirements, etc... ugh its
never ending ...except in 6 months!!!!!
Tuesday, December 28: Mandating Retarded
MLK is back in the news
today. This time for supposed failures of the Code 9 Policy by the psychiatric event that occurs a few times every day. ("Code 9"
refers to a situation where "aggressive behavior is likely to occur"...)
The Federal government in all their wisdom wants all confrontations that
occur in a hospital to be non-violent and wants to minimize the use of
restraints unreasonably. Its great to have bureaucrats telling you how
to handle violent patients when they're sitting behind a desk some 3,000
miles away and not the ones dealing with these situations on a daily basis.
Basically, the county safety police have been using such devices as the
taser to subdue aggressive psychiatric patients ...a "no, no"
in the eyes of regulators. So CMS (Medicare & Medicaid) has threatened
to pull funding ...possibly shutting down the hospital permanently.
One of the patients was tasered occurred on my shift. This
approximately 6'4" 270 lbs guy was actively psychotic
with religious preoccupations. After being brought into the
hospital he became a little more agitated and got up out of
his chair and proceed to snatch a baby out of the hands of
a woman. Staff promptly wrestled the baby away from the man
and called security. When security arrived, he became more
defiant and the officers opted to use a taser on the man so
as to avoid physical violence and trauma. ...The most interesting
aspect of this was when the man got hit with the taser...he
proceed to convulse on the floor while constantly repeating
"Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus." Wow...that was
Afterwards, the man was actually much better. I'm sure he didn't feel
that great (he did avoid a bunch of people jumping on top of him), but
then again he was more lucid and actually seemed like he was no longer
in his psychotic state ..probably most likely due to Vitamin H--Haldol.
The only other alternative would have been for 4 officers to jump in and
risk getting a punch or a bite or worse..and why should they take that
risk? One thing for sure ...there is no way that I want to jump in and
try and handle a psychotic 270 pound man! Unfortunately, the federal government
has mandated that this is now my new job--to jump in and take on violent
patients twice the size of me ...awesome.
Determining the appropriate response level will always be viewed retrospectively
as a failure. For instance, if the man injured or killed the baby, we
would be up shits creek. If a taser was used, then it was excessive force.
Its a no win are always wrong in the eyes of regulators
or lawyers. That is what these policies eventually state. Great job!
I have seen some crazy stuff. We once had a 6'6" 300+ lbs guy with
COPD and Pickwickian Obstructive Sleep Apnea wake up in an extremely agitated
state. He ripped out of his soft restraint, pulled out his endotracheal
tube, got up out of bed, went over to the next bed and tried to KILL the
patient next to him which was a patient on a ventilator also for respiratory
failure by strangulation. This guy was totally CO2 narcotic. Three ED
residents in the vicinity saw this and ran over to tackle this man. During
the skirmish the man toppled and hit the sink ..breaking it clean off
the wall! Unbelievable... The patient subsequently improved from his hypercapnia
(elevated CO2) and was actually the nicest guy possible ...completely
shocked that he attempted to kill someone in his altered state.
In another event, a patient on PCP overcame a police officer and socked
him right in the face, knocking him out cold, and then proceed to try
and assault other people. Thankfully there was an ED resident that actually
did kick boxing in the past who took this guy down with a choke hold.
In the past few years, about 4 residents have been punched
in the face just 2 months ago. So my question is: "Who is the federal
government trying to protect?" The regulation of every aspect of
our job and virtually every aspect about our profession is verging on
the ridiculous.
The next time we get a violent 300 pound patient in the ED ...I think
I'll call up that 130 pound pencil-pushing policy-promulgating bureaucrat
to come take the guy down using those great non-violence tactics ...I'd
love to see that.
Tuesday, December 28: Psych
Quote by a traveling nurse:
"The psych here is unbelievable."
Ask me about it... I'll tell you the story about the
"Chupacabra" and the "Blue Sweater." |

"Just Plain Nuts" |
Sunday, December 26: Who Would Jesus Bomb?
I was down on Second Street in Long Beach a few weeks ago ...eating at
Open Seasame (...some good Mediterranean Food). Over on the street corner
were some people protesting the Iraq war--which I don't have a problem
with (although, I think they are wasting their time)--they have legitimate
points and I also think that we need to work on an exit strategy and get
out as soon as possible.
One of the protestors, however, had a sign that said "Who
Would Jesus Bomb?" At first I didn't think too much about
it. But on later inspection, it occurred to me that what else
better explains the positions of SOME people on the left?
First of all, it argues that people who believe
that what we are doing in the Middle East is right are either
religious or doing it for religious purposes (I would assume
the first one). The concept that there may be other justifications
for removing Saddam and trying to establish a democracy just
doesn't fit with their simplistic belief system that all war
is evil, and who better than to attack than the religious
right? Second, the side that often refers
to themselves as the "open-minded" group that is
"tolerant" of other people and beliefs, is actually
just as intolerant if not more than some of the people on
the far right. They believe that attacking people based on
their religious beliefs is open game while any other position
that conflicts with their belief system is "racist",
"sexist", "closed-minded", or "intolerant."
Just look at the ACLU and their recent retarded campaigns.
I would argue that they are more intolerant than other groups
since they attempt to claim "tolerance" as one of
their main principles while at the same time being as intolerant
as they want. And finally Third...when you
can't effectively argue a point ...start calling the other
person names. :)
You will rarely see conservatives out on the street with signs explaining
their positions...with the exception of the religious right and the abortion
issue (they are just as fanatical as the "no war for oil" group).
People who try to understand the intricacies of current events and think
about their positions recognize that complex ideas don't fit on a poster
note: I think I can actually answer the question "Who Would
Jesus Bomb?" I think Jesus would bomb the terrorists prior to them
attacking on 9/11. If the Nazis were about to mow down a bunch of Jews
in a firing squad, and Jesus was standing by with a Mk-19
40mm automatic grenade launcher (pictured to the right), then I hope that
Jesus would send the Nazis to a fragmented and splattered death.
There's a difference between Killing and Murdering. Murder is always
morally wrong. Killing is not. In the legal world, Murder
is illegal, and Killing may be illegal or legal (i.e. justifiable
homicide). Although, I would argue that an illegal killing
should be called murder or an accidental death ...depending
on the circumstances. Thereby making a clear distinction between
the two terms.
Addendum: I'm not a religious person, but I do believe in
trying to do the right thing...
Saturday, December 25: Mummm!
Wow! Another awesome dinner! Filet mignon with merlot reduction sauce
with garlic and mushroom mashed potatoes and red pepper and green bean
salad with vinaigrette dressing. All of that followed up with a blackberry
panacotta. That's got to up there in the list of awesome holiday meals.
Thanks Mom!
Ugh ...can't believe that I work tonight ...I hate working on holidays...
I'm sure the ER is full of kids with cuts while running around chasing
that new toy. Of course, I'm working trauma, so I only have to take care
of the people who received lead bullets for Christmas. And in South Central,
the time for giving lead projectiles is year-round. :)
Friday, December 24: Merry Christmas
Hope everyone has a great Christmas!
Friday, December 24: Tats
This was the tattoo of a patient we had the other day:
Loved by Few
Hated by Many
Respected by All
187 refers to the police code for homicide...Very nice huh?
Thursday, December 23: Successfully Admitting
Patients Without Discernable Pathology
Age + BUN > 100 then Attempt Admission"
What a great article!!!
I laughed my ass off! What would be a better explanation of the crappy
stuff that we deal with every day and the conflicting beliefs of patients
and their families and the beliefs of the admitting consultants.
Last week I had a patient with PWDP in Fast Track. Its a good thing that
I'm actually pretty good at explaining to patients why hospitalization
is not necessary. Funny since most people don't want to stay in the hospital,
but somehow there is always a segment of the population that isn't sick
but wants to stay in the hospital unnecessarily. This lady complained
of low back pain and what sounded like trigger point pain all over he
body (sounded to me like fibromyalgia...if you even believe in the diagnosis)
and she demanded that we do something about it. A true case of "Malignant
Fibromyalgia." Eventually after much discussion she agreed to be
discharged but was obviously disappointed we didn't solve those chronic
problems instantaneously.
Side Note: The next time I hear someone say "What
would you do if this patient was your mother?"
(or any other family member) I'm going to slap them. If my mom came into
the ER, I think I would order every unnecessary test known to man and
include a full body MRI for reassurance. The fact of the matter is that
we have to try and make the best decisions possible, to make sure that
we make correct diagnoses, avoid missing conditions that lead to morbidity
of mortality, and to do it without spending too much money. That means
that we have to make decisions that do carry some risk. The goal is to
try and minimize risk, not to eliminate it completely. If we attempted
to eliminate all risk, we would almost never discharge a patient and order
excessive and costly tests without really benefiting patients ...almost
like the way we practice legal defensive medicine instead of evidence-based
medicine. ...and would you really like your medical insurance premiums
to triple?
Wednesday, December 22: End of the Year
Last year was a year of great struggle. Although I have made some significant
accomplishments, I also had some difficult failings.
Unfortunately, there are so many areas in our lives to which we aspire
success that many individual goals conflict with each other. We aspire
to grow professionally, to learn our trade to the best of our ability
and to be accomplished and successful. We desire to grow personally to
be more capable in understanding the people in our lives, to communicate
our hopes and dreams, and to develop strong human connections. Doing both
at the same time is difficult and eventually there is a cost and a benefit
of all the decisions that we make. Finding that balance is difficult,
but it is also even more difficult when people in your life have an idea
about what your balance should be as well.
I hope that I have learned from my struggles and that I can apply it
to my future and approach life from a more prospective viewpoint.
Tuesday, December 21: COX-2 Ramblings
More news on the pain control front ...three different news articles.
1) Celebrex has increased risk of heart
disease. 2) Celebrex not as bad as Vioxx...but still
bad. 3) Naproxen
(although not a COX-2) has increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
These are some painful news articles...Do I need to explain the risks
to patients every time I prescribe one of these drugs??? What options
are we left with if these drugs are removed from the market? There really
isn't too much left. Maybe I should take the Remen approach and prescribe
normazaline and tell the patient to meditate. :) (don't worry if you don't
understand that...its an inside joke)
The FDA now has got everyone in a frenzy now. All they need to do is
come out and say there are risks with every drug! Maybe Vioxx carries
a higher risk for these problems, but for many patients that I have talked
to, Vioxx was stronger than Celebrex. I'm sure ibuprofen will probably
have the same problems as well.
Its time for an insert on every drug prescribed that explains in plain
English the risks of these medications instead of having a fold out of
the damn PDR (Physicians Desk Reference)...which I don't even understand
or even care to read about. The risk should be assumed by people taking
the drug and not by companies that make them or by doctors that prescribe
them. Its time for some common sense and personal responsibility.
Tuesday, December 21: Boarding
Had a great time at Snow Summit today. Went up with Rushton, Sonny, Jessica,
and Jackie ...we'll have to go again before the season is over. Didn't
board as well as I used too... I realized that I can't have my leading
binding flared and I think that my feet had too much movement in the new
boots that I got...had some difficult cutting hard frontside and hence
wiped out pretty hard a few times. Hopefully, I'm good for the wear.
The day was beautiful ...clear fresh air, not a cloud in the sky, and
a great temperature. I miss the mountains. I've had many outdoor adventures
...whitewater river rafting (Yampa Green in Utah, Middle Fork of the American,
and my favorite...the Merced), Bryce, Zion, Arches, Yosemite, Road to
Hana, the half-sunken volcano at Mulacai. Snorkeling in the reef off of
Florida (I forgot the name), Catalina, and water skiing Lake Perris. This
trip has inspired me to do some more. How about instead of Vegas after
graduation, we head on up and do the Merced??? Any takers?
My next trip that I want to take is a road trip up California into Oregon,
check out Crater Lake, and then maybe adventure into Washington and Seattle.
Obviously after residency is done. Maybe I'll stop by and visit Rudd,
at his awesome job in Washington...(huh? no nights, no peds, is this really
an ER???)
Sunday, December 19: Dr. Lin Injured in Combat
My heart goes out to a colleague of mine who was injured in combat in
Iraq. Lt. Dr. Victor Lin, a fellow UCLA alumni and also a fellow graduate
at Wayne State University School of Medicine in 2002, volunteered for
the service call to help US soldiers in Iraq. Dr.Lin, was injured when
an explosive device detonated near his vehicle, sending fragmentation
into both of his legs. Dr. Lin is currently at the National Naval Medical
Center in Bethesda, Md., but may move between there and other sites in
the coming months, as he faces additional surgery and rehabilitation.
Usually military doctors have the option of completing residency prior
to active duty. But I knew Victor to be one of those guys who put things
in priority and he probably opted to serve his country in front of his
own interests. For that, Dr. Lin is a better man than me. I wish him the
best as he faces his road to recovery.
Thursday, December 16: Sprinkle Mutant Running Around
Congratulations to Thomas and Kathy Sprinkle on their first addition to
their family! Kathy gave birth to a baby boy the other day ...I talked to
Tom today and he is having a great time... best of luck, that's awesome...
Thursday, December 16: Most Ridiculous Story of the Week
This article
really pissed me off. Basically, Hungarian Jews are suing the US claiming
that after the US saved them from being murdered by the nazis
and the communists that the loot that the nazis took was not
returned to them. Unbelievable!!! If anything, it should be the other
way around and we should be charging them for the cost of saving them
from their death and the COST OF AMERICAN LIVES lost
while saving these fucking ingrates. (sorry for the profanity)
The distortions of the legal system make me sick. Seems like there can
be a legal claim for monies owed if some property is stolen, but if American
lives are lost in the fight to save these people...well, that's just too
bad. In my opinion, the people suing the US government should have been
murdered by the nazis... Its obvious that they only know the value of
money and not the value of life. After all, what is the cost that the
Hungarian Jews owe to the families of the 400,000 US soldiers who died
while liberating them from the nazis?
Wednesday, December 15: FRUCK!!!
Ugh...what a nightmare weekend. I came home on Friday last week to find
the my computer was off and it wouldn't turn on...the chassis fans turned
on and the lights blinked...but no boot. Looks like the mobo and cpu were
fried ...FRUCK.
I head on down to Fry's on Saturday morning and buy an Athlon 64 and
a DFI mobo. I tried to install it for the next few hours...with no luck.
It turns out that the hard disk fails on loading of the sys files. Restoring
a ghost image fails as well. Feeling I'm looking at a longer
I head on over to PC Club and pick up a new hard disk. I'm able to install
to this disk but I can't get the computer to slave my other working HD.
I figure out that the new mobo is FRUCKED as well!!! I head on back to
Fry's that night and pick up an ASUS more crappy brands...
On the way back to my apartment ...I'm exiting the Freeway ...going about
65...and happen to notice a big FRUCKING RACOON about 5 feet in front
of my car ...I had no time to do anything... Not only was there a big
thud! but my back end rose up off the ground. At first I thought "poor
racoon" and then hoped that my car wasn't damaged that bad. I get
back to the apartment and look at the front end. ...The bumper is BROKEN
in half on the right hand side, the RADIATOR is bent back and the CONDENSER
is blown out!!!!! Feeling really bummed now.
I finally was able to install the mobo, chip, and hard disks...but realize
that the hard disk that initially failed to boot can't be installed to
even after a repartition and format... Crap... That being the case, I
just opt for getting a pair of the new SATA drives. (need one to ghost
an image on the slave HD in the case of a crash ...which usually means
you can be up and running in only a couple of hours.) Not only that ...I
go extreme ...I buy an external backup HD ...there is nothing worse than
the time required for a total reinstall of windows.
Finally, I've got the OS and disks up and running....but now it appears
the the sound card also got fried as well. Ugh!!! Total damage on computer
repairs $870 and 20 hours so far trying to fix it (...probably another
20 to get it all configured). Total damage to car ...which is in the shop
now..$3,200. Total cost of my Friday and Saturday $1,420. FRUCK!!!
Anyways, I'm back up and running ...still have a tone of work to do...
Thursday, December 9: Chairs with wheels...
Well the LA Times Articles are least in this series ...I'm
sure there will more will be coming out.
Without getting into specifics, it seems to me that many
problems at the hospital are completely related to the lack
of incentives to do things right and the lack of consequences
if you do things wrong.
I often think about the things we do in life along these terms. Am I
doing something because I want to and because I think it is right? Am
I doing something because I don't want the consequences if it doesn't
get done? Or am I not doing something because there is no incentive or
the consequences of doing it are substantial? Basically its the "carrot
versus the stick." And it seems to me that that there is
no carrot and there is no stick. Hence the "Morass."
For the county supervisors, as in the article today, taking action to
correct problems might have been perceived as "racist." ...and
nobody wants that label, so they opted to do nothing, oops, ...I mean
they opted to commission a "task force."
County nurses negotiated with their unions to avoid doing their job,
and shifted the work onto the residents working on the wards. Please find
me another hospital that has banned giving IV pain medications on the
floor? And people are shocked to find the nursing issues so prominent
as described in the LA Times?
People were getting paid much more than their counterparts at other institutions
and billing the county when they were not even there. Obviously, nobody
had an incentive to check to make sure that people were doing their work.
Probably one of the most telling issues in the series on King was that
of the workers compensation claims for none other than "falling off
chairs." ...probably the funniest part of the whole issue... Here
is their graphic.

Yep ...Falling off of chairs with wheels ...I think we need an "in-service"
on this subject... (an "in-service" is a hospital term used
to describe an educational seminar during work hours on something that
you already knew...)
When I was an intern, I overheard a few nurses talking about disability.
Basically the nurses stated that through county disability plans, and
if you went out and bought supplemental insurance through "AFLAC," worked
for two years, and then got "injured," you could actually collect more
money than if you were working!!! This was the nurse's get injured
on the job!!!
How could I fault her though??? This is the system that the county created...
Basically, the system created an incentive to shift the nursing work onto
residents, get paid for extraordinary sick-leave policies, and finally
claim that you fell off a chair and can no longer work and have the county
pay you for the rest of your life!
Basically they created a huge incentive to cheat the system with zero
repercussions if you were caught. ...I'm planning to fall off a chair
on my final day of residency... :) That could be worth about 6 million...
In my opinion, if you fall off your chair and hurt yourself such that
you are no longer able to are too stupid to live.
Unfortunately, the LA Times in their sensationalism, failed
to mention any positive attributes such as the backbone of
the hospital...the ER. Our nurses there are hard working,
and our residents and attendings are extremely motivated.
As a group, the ER Residents scored number 1 in the nation
on the National In-Service exam. Sure there are problems at
the hospital, but the LA Times needs to present the whole
story and not just the things that they think will sell newspapers.
Wednesday, December 8: Snowboarding
Trip planned for Dec. 21st at Snow
Summit. Who's game? (We've got room for a few more.)
Current boarders:
Report: "Nearly 100% of the terrain at Snow Summit is now open with
excellent coverage and conditions!"
Tuesday, December 7: Guilt by Association?
Yikes!!! Those LA Times articles are brutal.
Anyways, I updated my resume page ...would like some feedback on my resume me your criticisms. Thanks... Hurl
Sunday, December 5: Huh?
Alrighty now... I'm on the trauma service this month. We get a paramedic
run, and over the box (radio) the paramedics tell us that they are bringing
in a patient who is an auto vs. ped. victim(i.e. hit by a car). Well,
the paramedics state that the initial call was for a man down after a
shooting. So the paramedics get to the scene and find a man trapped upside
down between two cars such that one vehicle need to be moved
by the paramedics to even get to the patient. The paramedics note an obvious
deformity to the femur right above the knee with some bleeding.
So the patient comes into the trauma center, he's acting bizarre and
can't tell us what happened. The only thing he says is "ouch"
and "mommy". (We don't know if he is on drugs...or this is his
normal behavior) ...Just slightly odd since he is over 30 years old!!!
We look at his knee and there is a nice little hole in it. So we shoot
an x-ray of the knee, and sure enough, there's the bullet.
So the question becomes: How do you get trapped between two vehicles,
upside down, and also get shot in the knee and sustain a fractured femur???
I'm baffled. This stuff just doesn't make sense.
Side note: Weird stuff comes in to the hospital all the time and you
just wonder what people were doing or what they were thinking. My favorite
"what the hell were you thinking story" was that of a 23 year
old woman who was 8 months pregnant came into the trauma center at 4 am
on a Wednesday, drunk, and had just been shot in the stomach!!! Okay...
1) What are you doing when you're out at 4 am on weekday 2) what the hell
were you doing getting drunk when you're 8 months pregnant??? and 3) Who
did you pissing off so much that they start shooting???
Oh well, what can I say? Is this what happens when Jerry Springer infects
your mind?
Saturday, December 4: Ugh...
Well if it seems to be real, it's illusion
For every moment of truth, there's confusion in life
--Black Sabbath
Nothing can be more frustrating that than dealing with conflicts between
your desires and things that you have no control over...
Friday, December 3: Synopsis of Vacation Month
Well, My vacation month is over...went back to work yesterday ...ugh...
I don't like working for the resident salary of 10 dollars an hour...
Overall, I think I had a fairly good vacation. Sure I didn't go anywhere
special but then again when I travel, I'd like to take that special person
along for the ride...
I did end up working 10 moonlighting shifts, and I always question myself I a workaholic? Well, I'd have to argue that that behavior is the
type that places an inappropriate amount of effort on work at the expense
of other things in your life. So I'd have to say that I am not because
I try to fulfill those personal aspects of my life ...however, at the
same time, I do feel conflicted about it, in that maybe I do work too
much. (side note: who can fault me for working NSICU...its got to be the
best paying and easiest jobs that I have ever had. ...neurosurgical patients
either get better or die irrespective of what you do...) I love that one
quote from Fight
Club..."The things that you own, end up owning you." --Tyler
Durden ...This is something that is easy to fall into, especially in superficial
In reference to work, I actually started at the age of ten with my brother
and we delivered real estate brochures. We ended up charging 5 cents per
delivery and made an hourly rate of 10 dollars and hour. After working
2 years at that rate, my brother and I upped the rate to 7 cents per delivery
and we started making 14 dollars an hour. Wow! about an awesome
job for a 12 year old. Anyways, we only worked about 3 hours a week but
it was more than enough to buy the things we wanted and save some money...(It
was tough to spend since I made all the money myself and I knew its value...)
Because of that I was very different than many of the kids who lived on
my street who were spoiled and never worked (...and bunch of them ended
up not going anywhere in life)... So the work ethic has been ingrained
in me since an early age...
Its very difficult to know the right balance between
personal and professional goals. Of course, the thesis of virtually every
self-help book written about money ...making money so that you can live
a full and happy life. I'd have to say that up until about a few months
ago, I think that I was more on the professional side of life. Now I am
shifting into the development of my personal goals as many of my professional
goals are being realized.
Also, I am thinking about the subject more, and maybe this is the medium
to really think about those things so that I have clarity of convictions
and can approach life in a more thoughtful way.
My vacation month was rewarding because I did accomplish many goals that
I had set out...
I got back into shape. I ran about 4 miles six a little touch
of the patellar-femoral syndrome...went to the gym and lifted about 8
times ...thank God for muscle memory ...I'll never get back into the shape
that I was in 2002. :(
I learned how to do web design, at least in the basic sense, and also
learned how to use some graphic software. And yeah, I'm enjoying this
Blog thing... :)
I went on an interview and that went extremely well, and finished my
Kaiser application and health screening. They want me to start working
in a few weeks ...Yikes! its not like I already have enough to do... (I
wonder when life will get a little less complicated??? ...but I doubt
that that will ever happen in the near future)
Overall, I think I could use another vacation...
Wednesday, December 1: Spago's
Probably one of the most innovative restaurants that I've ever been to...
(and now at their new location! I went three times previously to the location
off of Sunset--Its a better location there, but the restaurant was small.
This one is much larger...)

...Flemming's a few weeks ago had the most delicious filet ...I think
they cooked it in butter! ...I got the Sea Bass, this time ...I can't
resist the Sea Bass. :)
I'm still longing for that whole fried catfish from one of the first
times I went...
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